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Living Creatures Black IPA 6.4%, Black Kettle Brewing, Canada
1 notes
Living Creatures Black IPA
6.4% Black IPA / Cascadian Dark Ale


Post author: Gordzilla
@ Beverly Corners
7 years ago
Living Creatures Black IPA, Canada
It was a dark and cloudy beer....., no really though it was. It packs a thick mousse like mocha head that really hung on for a long while. The nose on this scared me a bit. Initially I couldn't decide whether I was smelling feet, cheese, or cookie.🤔 I think the confusion comes from very biscuity chocolate malts and fruity hops fighting each other as opposed to working together. Really odd. I decided it smells good but so weird and I swear I Keep getting cheese. And I was right to be scared... Weird take on the style. If it had no hops it would be a great stout. Chocolate, biscuit, coffee, slightly roasty and something earthy. If it was a straight IPA it might be ok, but it's hard to tell. The hops are fruity and not really bitter but there is so much darkness that its blurring the hops flavours. I'm sorry. I hate bashing on any craft brewery but this has been strike two for me. Also a fairly big alcohol flavour doesn't quite fit.