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Vortex Robust Nitro Porter 6.0%, Riot Brewing Co., Canada
3 notes
Vortex Robust Nitro Porter
6.0% Porter


Post author: I Like My Beers
I Like My Beers
3 years ago

Post author: Mr. T
Mr. T
@ Riot Brewing
6 years ago
Silver medalist CBA 2018, if you are a porter fan.. this is a real winner!

Post author: Gordzilla
@ Riot Brewing
7 years ago
Vortex Robust Nitro Porter, Canada
I really dig porters and touts and even better if they are nitro porters or stouts. I was stoked when I heard one of local breweries had a nitro porter on tap and had to get there as soon as I could. It takes a little while to pour as the nitrogen is very active but they gave me a sample beer while I waited. Builds an awesome cascading thick mousse like head that has staying power and coats the glass with nice lacy curtains of foam. It shows of a deep dark rich ruby garnet colour. The nose is proudly roast coffee and dark chocolate with just a suggestion of hops in the back of the inhale. Creamy smooth and soft on the palate, this porter has a fairly full body. As the nitrogen has a pillow fight with your tongue it reveals a wonderful roast malt, several layers of chocolate, and some lightly brewed dark roast coffee. The nitro works so well with the hops additions they have added. Delicious. Half way through the glass I ordered another to be ready in time. Very well done Riot. P.S. thanks for the heads up peachmeat.