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Stone Smoked Porter With Vanilla Bean 5.9%, Stone Brewing (Sapporo Breweries), United States
5 Bewertungen
Stone Smoked Porter With Vanilla Bean
5.9% Porter
In 2006, Chris Carroll, a longtime member of Team Stone, took that adage literally, proposing that we produce a one-off version of our venerable Stone Smoked Porter made spicy from the addition of chipotle peppers. We gave it a shot and found that those smoked jalapeños melded quite naturally with the smoldery peat-smoked malt that gives the beer its flavor and moniker, creating a deep, roasty quaff with a carefully restrained tingle of tasteful capsaicin heat in the finish. The marriage of ingredients was so nice that it has become an annual summertime staple, released each May in honor of Carroll’s initial idea that Stone Smoked Porter w/Chipotle Peppers serve as an artisanal alternative to the industrialized adjunct-laden cerveza billed as the perfect fluid accompaniment to the sunny season. Cheers to variety and a quality alternative to mediocrity.


Post author: beero
@ Cosmic Comic Cafe
6 years ago
Savuisuus (onneksi) melko mietoa, vanilja vahva. Tasapainoinen ja asiallinen portteri, taattua Stonea.

Post author: Roywenk
7 years ago
God, men lite alkoholsvag!

Post author: Henri T
Henri T
@ Harry's Old English Pub
7 years ago
Stone Smoked Porter With Vanilla Bean, United States

Post author: Chris B
Chris B
@ Port Street Beer House
7 years ago
Stone Smoked Porter With Vanilla Bean, United States
Having shook off the non beer drinkers, I'm in the Port Street Beer House - one of the best beer destinations in the U.K. Slightly jaded and blinded by choice I went for this. Out here in the beer yard, it looks black as night with a tinge of ruby. It's only me out here as smokers are thin on the ground these days. At least there are heaters - good stuff as it's freezing. There are strong overtones of Port in this Porter. Then there is coffee - like a shot of espresso with an entire sticky pod of vanilla. The end notes are burnt toffee. It's winter in s glass. Not a world beater - but Cheers all the same!