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Chocolate Rain 19.5%, The Bruery, United States
2 arviota
Chocolate Rain
19.5% Imperial Stout
Originally created as a single cask conditioned version of our Black Tuesday imperial stout for one of our release parties several years ago, Chocolate Rain has now taken on a life of her own. The base beer is a select few bourbon barrels of our imperial stout that can range anywhere from 16-21% in alcohol. Once those barrels are chosen, we spend an entire day slicing fresh vanilla beans to add to those barrels along with cacao nibs that are sourced by San Francisco based TCHO chocolatier. After a few months soaking up those rich, dessert-like flavors, the barrels are blended to taste and the result is one of the most decadent beers that we make. Rich in chocolate, vanilla, oak and bourbon, it truly puts the 'imperial' in imperial stout.
IBU: 35


Post author: orson
12 days ago
Chocolate Rain, United States
Tässä prosentteja 21%. Vuoden 2020 olut.