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Local's Light 5.2%, Short's Brewing Company, United States
2 ratings
Local's Light
5.2% Pale Lager
Local's is a light, yet very tasty lager. The light pilsen malt creates a soft and subtle flavor profile that finishes crisp and clean on your palate. Local's is a perfect beer for the seasoned craft brew enthusiast and someone new to microbrews. When Short's first opened, there was not a great deal of craft beer available in the area. Joe Short wanted to create a beer that would appeal to new craft beer drinkers who lived in Michigan, and introduce them to the complex flavors of other beer styles.
IBU: 6


Post author: Julielikesbeer
2 years ago

Post author: Sirdubby
@ Crunchy's
4 years ago
Not bad, not memorable. I don't hate it, but I definitely don't love it either. Would make a good beer for extended day drinking. 3.25/5