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Evil Urges 8.4%, Short's Brewing Company, United States
3 ratings
Evil Urges
8.4% Belgian Strong Ale
Evil Urges is a Belgian dark strong ale with a deep dark brown color. A sharp aroma of chocolate and molasses hits the senses, reminiscent of a rich liqueur. Aided by additions of Belgian amber candi sugar, the initial flavors are sweet and malty, with some unique, dark fruit qualities. This full bodied beer is defined by its roast malt character and slight black coffee bitterness that lead into an intense warming finish.
IBU: 50


Post author: Mike D
Mike D
2 years ago

Post author: Grossman J
Grossman J
2 years ago

Post author: Sirdubby
5 years ago
Caramel, candied sugar and booze in the aroma. Taste has the candied sugar first, followed by caramel notes, semisweet malts and a slight bit of booziness. Pretty tasty. High 3.75/5