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Coconut Almond Brown Ale 7.0%, The Hideout Brewing Company, United States
3 notes
Coconut Almond Brown Ale
7.0% Brown Ale
This refreshing brown ale is infused with the flavors of real coconut and almond. The well-balanced flavor resonates throughout, reminding you of a day at the beach.
IBU : 11


Post author: Sirdubby
6 years ago
I'm not getting a whole lot in the aroma. Maybe some faint coconut. The taste has a nice amount of almonds. Very faint coconut, just like in the aroma. Either way, this is a tasty brown ale, a bit different from the others. 3.75/5

Post author: Sirdubby
@ The Hideout
7 years ago
It's coconutty. Doesn't taste much like a brown ale, but it's tasty. 3.5/5

Post author: David M
David M
7 years ago