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SigteBroad 6.8%, Amager Bryghus, Denmark
284 ratings
6.8% New England IPA / Hazy IPA
Once Amager Bryghus and Trillium Brewing Co. had decided to do a beer together, some investigative brewer research started on both sides of the Atlantic. Trillium main man Jean Claude Tetreault (JC) came across the name of an old Danish type of bread called “Sigtebrød”, and we decided to aim for a beer with mostly the same ingredients as in this old style of bread. However, we wouldn’t be Amager if we didn’t dig a little deeper into the matter. It appears that the word “sigte” – in English “to aim” - can be taken back to the Viking era, where a “Sigtebrød” would be baked very hard as a substitute for a traditional longbow in areas where wood was scarce or even absent. After the victorious battle the Viking could then toast their bread bow on a traditional Anglo Saxon toaster. Illustrations of this bread bow have been found in several places in Ireland and Scotland, but not until recently did the confused archaeologists realize, what exactly was going on. Several hundred years later, Danish settlers in Minnesota brought the old Viking bread with them, and it soon gained widespread popularity. Also the bakery girls of blonde, Danish descent selling the bread, became popular to an extreme degree, and local Minnesotans soon nicknamed them “sigte broads” for their good looks. In some areas the baker even had to arm his sigte broads with a traditional Danish long knife to dishearten the most intrusive young, male bread costumers. All very weird, but indeed very true. 64,0 EBU. 16,4 ‘P.
IBU: 64


Post author: yliarska
@ Mikkeller Webshop
3 years ago
SigteBroad, Denmark
Sigten ja Trilliumin collabo olutta. Vielä muutama kk PE päiväyksen, 10/21, kuohussa hieman näkynee, ei aivan tuoreinta. Väri tummeman samean keltaista, maussa kepeyttä alkuun, luonnetta, sitrusta ja katkeroa tuntuvasti muutaman hörpyn lisää. Mainio ja hienoisesti jäljestä tulevaa puraisua ja leipäisyyttä, kenties juuri tuota "sigtebrødiä", josta etiketin tarinassa myös mainitaan hienosti. Itse en tähän varsinaisesti leipääntynyt kuitenkaan.

Post author: Henri R
Henri R
@ Mallaskukko
3 years ago
SigteBroad, Denmark

Post author: Lillis
4 years ago
SigteBroad, Denmark
Inte det bästa man druckit någonsin direkt

Post author: Boerjes Vodka
Boerjes Vodka
4 years ago
SigteBroad, Denmark
Forgot to scan it when I had it. Powerful. It was pretty good.

Post author: Janne
4 years ago
Ipa kuin suomalainen lager. Ei maistu kovin vahvasti, helppo juoda.

Post author:  360Beers (BEERSMURF)
360Beers (BEERSMURF)
@ Helsingør
4 years ago
SigteBroad, Denmark
God kraftig smag nok lidt for tør men en fin fin øl

Post author: Aleksi V
Aleksi V
4 years ago

Post author: Dimster
4 years ago

Post author: Janne L
Janne L
@ Alko Arkadia
4 years ago
Mukiin menevä tapaus. Maistuu kyllä toistekkin

Post author: Potky
@ Alko Herttoniemi
4 years ago
Aika kiva Hazy IPA👍