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Queen Rat 5.0%, The Rat Brewery, England
3 notes
Queen Rat
5.0% Stout
Dark Stout.


Post author: Steve T
Steve T
2 months ago

Post author: Dazzz66
@ The Burnt Pig Ale 'ouse
7 years ago

Post author: Philmyglass
@ The Chairman
7 years ago
I'm saddened to have to give this a middle of the road 3⭐️ as I've enjoyed a few interesting dark beers from this brewery. It's a very good Stout with lovely roast malt and dark chocolate flavours in swathes on the palette. Then it becomes extremely bitter on the finish. So much so that I found myself holding it on the tongue and not wanting to swallow. I don't mind a bitter finish usually, but found that this was too much and I'm afraid it ruined my enjoyment. I must add that it was the first pint after a very sweet dessert, but Mrs Phil agreed about the bitterness and she had abstained.