@ Tuodì Market, Via Liberiana8 years ago
Murky, deep amber beer flows to the glass. Carbonation is modest. Forms very thin, creamy, almost dark yellow head that settles soon to thin lacing. Nose is nearly neutral with a mere hint of overripe yellow fruit.
Tastes though strongly malty with fermenting peach, apricot and some banana with floral notes. The malts are fairly strong, sweet and medium caramelized. I expected a bunch of Belgian-style yeast on the palate but, surprisingly, it wasn't really there.
The body is medium robust and holds back the alcohol nicely but releases some of it towards the finish. Otherwise the palate ends short to medium with overripe fruit and caramel. Mouthfeel is soft, somewhat full, meadowy but not very mature though.
A decent beer that falls though significantly short of good, tasty Belgian Ales.