4 years ago
@ Mikkeller, Copenhagen Kastrup Airport5 years ago
Mikael M
6 years ago
Mika M
@ Mikkeller, Copenhagen Kastrup Airport6 years ago
Sam S
8 years ago
At warpigs 2 year anniversary with a special release of Smoldering holes BA sherry. Aroma of intense chocolate, liquorice and gentle scent of sherry in it.
The mouthfeel is silky smooth, basically non carbonated and oily.
The taste begins off with roasted malts and coffee, but quickly turning into very sweet chocolate, liquorice, dark fruits. The alcohol is present with the cherry in the taste, but it's complementing the beer overall, rather than dominating the taste. The sherry barrel aging has given a really nice twist to this one, it fits right into the sweetness and gives a little boozy, semi sweet sidetaste to it. Finishes off very sticky, sugary and at the same time, bitter while coffee makes a small comeback.
The body is full, sticky and complex, balance goes to the sweeter side, but the coffee and roasted malts brings a nice level into the taste.
Overall the beer is really complex, intense and a very good barrel aged beer, very enjoyable and strong. Happy birthday warpigs! 4.25/5