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Weizen Eisbock 10.0%, South Shore Brewery / Wilmarths Deepwater Grille, United States
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Weizen Eisbock
10.0% Doppelbock
Eisbocks are created by freezing off a portion of the water, and removing it from the beer. This form of concentration increases the beer's body, flavor, and alcohol content. Look for a heavy or almost syrupy body with tons of GI-NORMOUS flavors. A warming, nourishing, and comforting brew, one that is rich, strong, and rewarding. Both aspects of the Eisbock are, of course, true. Eisbocks rank among the world's most potent brews. We created this beer from our annual batch of wheat Doppelbock. You should get the estery aromas (banana, fruity) just before the thick foam greets you with an inviting sweet creamy flavor to be smoothly replaced with dark malt and roast flavors.
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