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Honey Double Maibock 7.9%, South Shore Brewery / Wilmarths Deepwater Grille, United States
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Honey Double Maibock
7.9% Hellerbock / Maibock
Known as a pale or "blonde" bock, and of German origin, this style is generally reserved for spring consumption. This beer is a lager, and has been cellared for nearly two months. It's very malty in flavor and aroma, has practically no bitterness. But a small amount of the hop aromas may come through. Full bodied and hearty, this style was intended to ward off those nipping remnants of winter as the early Germanic gatherers returned to the field to replenish their stores of food. The phrase "a pork chop in every glass" could very well have originated with the bock style. It was filling and the high alcohol content made the hardships of the hunt allot more tolerable. AVAILABILITY LATE APRIL THROUGH MAY
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