A golden, naturally cloudy, bottle conditioned artisan farmhouse ale and dry hopped for a perfectly refreshing balance of spicy malts, hops and yeast.
Simon P
4 months ago
@ Play for Craft Beer7 months ago
When In Rome
@ Sure Shot Tap House1 year ago
Chris B nailed the review. Nose is that of a sour. Not unpleasant but it caught me off guard. Taste is very faint at the start and builds thru the middle. Best I can say is a pine with a lemon undertone. Finish leaves a nice, soft bitterness. This one is unique. It's not bad or one I'd seek out but would have again if offered.
Dovv B
2 years ago
Mikko H
@ Drikbeer2 years ago
Halftime shown oheen vielä kaatui saison.
Tuoksultaan hapan saisonhiivainen ja suolainen.
Maussa hapan alku. Tätä seuraa vielä yhä tosi hapan kevyt saisonhiivaisuus. Kevyt hedelmäinen vivahde ja jännästi mineraalisen suolainen loppu mitä ei saisoneihin itsellä ole aiemmin osunut (goseissa ennemminkin tuttu). Kevyt mutta maukas juotava, jännästi erilainen.
@ Drikbeer2 years ago
Vahvasti mausteinen Saison. Tallimaisuutta, korianteria, appelsiinia ja viljaisuutta.
Aika kuiva, hiilihappoinen ja hieman karvas.
Pauli H
@ Drikbeer3 years ago
Varsin toimiva kikkailematon saison. Suolaa ja mausteisuutta. Happamuus aika passeli.
B mäntynen
4 years ago
@ OnTap4 years ago
Chris B
@ Cadet Wine & Beer Bar7 years ago
We have now travelled over to Napa - which is obviously wine country. But the good news is they also sell beer. Everything seems to close weirdly early round here - bed time is 10pm apparently. However we followed the cigarette smoke to somewhere open. Bam Biere is a strange one. Not sure if it's me or the beer - but it's difficult to love. Could be the contrast with all of the pine and hop fuelled IPAs I've had recently, but this has a (not unpleasant) sour watery tang with an undertone of lemon. Actually, that last sentence makes it sound foul! It's not bad at all.