Luis D
6 years ago
Mr X
7 years ago
Fridge clean out time. As u can see I have bunch of beers from the winter. Newbies to me - I save a single from every case/12 pack. I'm going to # them - FCO 1. Starting right to left. This one is sweet. Caramel & dark fruits. Maybe a little molasses. Couldn't drink a lot of them.
Mr X
7 years ago
Tapping into a beer I bought for Xmas. Bought a 12 pack variety of Duck Rabbit. Had to try this as I've never had this one. It's a little sweet. Very malty. Taste is chocolate, toffee & dark fruits. It could almost compete with some German doppelbock's. It's just a little too sweet. Beer fridge is now stocked for Christmas (still a couple clean outs in there tho)
Mr X
8 years ago
I have to drop to 3 1/2 stars. The sweetness was getting to me when finishing up
Mr X
8 years ago
A little sweet. Sweet malty taste. I found enjoyable but don't think I'd drink a lot of them as I can't take a lot of a sweet beer. Duck rabbit is a find got me and impressed how well their beers have tasted