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As Far As the Rye Can See 18.7%, The Bruery, United States
1 ratings
As Far As the Rye Can See
18.7% Imperial Stout
Double rye barrel-aged imperial stout Barrels on barrels, as far as the eye—er, rye—can see. This bold imperial stout is an equal-parts blend of double barrel-aged Black Tuesday, aged for a year in bourbon barrels then finished in Rittenhouse rye barrels, and One & Dunn Reserve, aged first in a blend of Heaven Hill bourbon barrels and Willet and Peerless rye barrels then finished in Blantons and Four Roses bourbon barrels. Roasty, rich, and deeply complex, this is one to sip and savor.


Post author: orson
1 month ago
As Far As the Rye Can See, United States