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Vanilla Triple Dog 8.0%, Abita Brewing Company, United States
1 notes
Vanilla Triple Dog
8.0% Dark Ale
IBU : 30
Houblon : Willamette


Post author: Edgeworth
@ Ray's Cave
2 months ago
Vanilla Triple Dog, United States
This Duo beer is from a great Louisiana Brewery, Abita. Instead of one beer each, Ryan bought us a six pack each. Abita always comes through. Since my daughter's birthday is tomorrow, we will each have a beer. Aroma mediately has sweet natural vanilla bean. Also has brownie like chocolate. Texture is thin, not as heavy as a porter or even a brown ale. A lot of effervescence continues. Flavor has the sweet brownie chocolate with an abundance of vanilla bean. As it enters the finish it develops a roasted quality. This reminds me more of the crusty edges of the brownie rather than the full soft texture of the middle. This is a very tasty and well-balanced beer. The vanilla bean taste very natural, as I would expect from Abita. The brownie flavor is excellent and the roasted quality in the finish provided a great ending. So glad I have five more of these.