4 months ago
@ La Jonquille6 months ago
Flight 3/4 colors hazy, deep warm orange. The froth is messy and billowy, the hue is off-white.
The first olfactory entrant is interesting: some powdery spice. Cardamom? Or rather nutmeg? Very faint bitter caramel and a drop of black tea can be spotted in the background.
The same spice haunts me in the taste. My conclusion is that it's nutmeg. Piney hops season the bitter caramel in its lame presence. Bitter black tea is marginal.
The body is light. The enjoyment ends with dry teeth and an astringent sensation. The same components feature in the end anyway. The mouthfeel is light, crisp, a bit piney, spiced, dry, drying and slightly astringent. And characterless. Not a big success this one either.