Mark S
7 months ago
Not a great pour as the picture illustrates. Even though it was poured gently there was way too much foam and it took a very long time to settle atop a golden yellow body with a mellow dark hue and tonnes of vibrant bubbles inside the glass.
Scent is nice, hitting all the right notes, particularly lots of roasted barley. There is also a little sweet biscuit and a tiny amount of dry cracker.
Mouthfeel is foamy at first before getting hit with tonnes of carbonation. It's quite smooth at the end and over the life of the beer, this smoothness spreads closer and closer to the start as the carbonation and foam dissipate. I had to expect this would get flat after the overly foamy pour.
Taste is nice but nothing new. Lots of barley malt upfront, the biscuit and cracker are barley present. There doesn't appear to be much else. It is not by any means a complex beer, but it's very tasty and satisfying.