@ La Jonquille6 months ago
Flight 3/4 colors hazy, deep peach yellow with a beautiful off-white moussy head.
And then a note to self: I don't see anywhere an explanation of the name but IPKö must stand for India Pale Kölsch. I guess. Clever.
Fruity IPAish fragrance. Grapefruit, lemon peel and pith, dry grass, perhaps remote pineapple peel and a yeasty hint approach my nose. The same elements feature on the tastebuds, no need to repeat the list.
The light-bodied beer finishes identical to upfront. Same thing. And why not? Tingles my gums for a good while.
The mouthfeel is dry, a tad tangy and quite drying but also zesty and pithy. Not bad at all.