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Lamb-or-Genie 10.5%, Rivington Brewing Co., England
1 notes
10.5% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
A Banana & Coconut Imperial Stout brewed with our mates Arpus Brewing from Riga in Latvia and Commonwealth Brewing from Virginia Beach in the USA


Post author: HarriL
@ Pühaste
7 hours ago
Lamb-or-Genie, England
Puhaste õllepidu 2024

Post author: orson
@ Star & Garter
3 months ago
Lamb-or-Genie, England
Banana & Coconut, well that's interesting. I think this is my first dark beer from Rivington. I love their IPA's. Mouthfeel is thick, smooth, slightly sweet, balanced and rich. Wow really thick body! Taste: Coffee, Coconut, sweetness and chocolate. Aftertaste is dry. Lots of coconut flavours. Very long aftertaste. I really like this beer.