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Black To the Bones 4 Elements Kranea Edition 13.5%, Cohones Brewery, Bulgaria
1 notes
Black To the Bones 4 Elements Kranea Edition
13.5% Oyster Stout
Black to the Bones 4 Elements is inspired by the nature and it's 4 elements - earth, water, air and fire. We created this thick and complex imperial oak aged milk stout together with 4 other Bulgarian companies that produce high-quality products and represent each of the nature's elements. WATER (blue wax): collab with Kranea Oyster Farm. We added Bulgarian-grown oysters and aged the beer with oak that was soaked in Larios Mediterranean gin.
Vieillie en fût


Post author: Ossi
@ Bierloods22
8 months ago
Black To the Bones 4 Elements Kranea Edition, Bulgaria
Huulista huomaa että sokeria on paljon, mutta ei maistu kovin kuitenkaan pastry tyylisesti. Karamellisoitu sokeri ja stout mallasta alkuun, lopussa hieman gin ja suolaa. Ehkä vähän tumma paahto kahvia. Hyvin peittyy prosentit makeuteen