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It's the Berries 5.8%, Idiom Brewing Co., United States
1 arviota
It's the Berries
5.8% Sour / Wild Ale
Our core sour It's the Berries, is extremely juicy and slightly tart, this beer was kettle soured then fermented with Sundew yeast for ripe berry undertones. We let it rest on top of 400lbs of raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries


Post author: Rubbersoul95
9 months ago
One of the better sours out there! I've often had sours that have the "idea" of fruit, but this one is different and really packs a punch. You can definitely identify the raspberry and blueberry flavors. It's sour without being face-puckering tart. It was very pleasant, I only wish I could find it in stores near me!