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Shut Up And Drink With Me 7.0%, Bottle Share, Russia
1 Bewertungen
Shut Up And Drink With Me
7.0% India Pale Ale
American IPA


Post author: Александр
10 months ago
Shut Up And Drink With Me, Russia
IPA в американском стиле. Очень лимонно, в аромате почти 100% сушёная цедра лимона. Вкус близок к аромату, разве что разбавлен хвоей и карамелькой(куда уж без неё?). В целом не дурно, но не моё. Лимонная водка и пиво - мимо. American style IPA. Very lemony, the aroma is almost 100% dried lemon zest. The taste is close to the aroma, except that it is diluted with pine needles and caramel (where would we be without it?). Overall not bad, but not for me. Lemon vodka and beer are passing me.