TireDunkel-weizen is a dark, German-style wheat beer with rich malt flavors. It combines the yeasty, fruity characteristics of a traditional German wheat beer with toasty, caramel notes of darker malts. This beer showcases flavors of banana and clove, imparted by the German yeast strain used to brew it, and displays a deep brown color with a creamy, off-white head. Dunkelweizen is medium-bodied and has balanced sweet and spicy notes.
IBU: 15
@ Gate A211 year ago
@ Tired Uncle's Taproom1 year ago
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Tumma vehnäolut. Kevyt pitsiytyvä vaahto. Tuoksu on kevyesti vehnäinen.
Maku on jännä yhdistelmä tummaa mallasta ja vehnäolutta. Hiven banaania kurkkii taustalla.
Loppumaku on kevyt, yllättävän humalainen. Hieman vetinen
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