Tara 12.5%, Lough Gill Brewing Co., Ireland
2 ratings
12.5% Imperial Stout
Barrel aged


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
1 year ago
Tara, Ireland
Pour was a little listless, it didnt have the weight or the smoothness I was expecting. Also there was a 'blink and you miss it' foam that I obviously missed. The body is expectant blacker than black, with less than trace elements of mocha coloured foam. Scents are dried fruits, espresso, dark chocolate with the final note being a combination of something sweet (vanilla I think) and the barrel aged alcohol. (wine grapes, not whiskey) The feeling in the mouth is incredibley smooth, i really wasn't expecting it to be this silky, even with the advertised oatmeal. A very mild carbonation makes itself known before the warmth of the alcohol weighs it all down. Taste is an interesting mix, dried fruits upfront flanked by the vanilla and some brown sugar. The sweetness leans into the barrel aged notes which brings a nice warmth to cut through the sweetness. This is aged in pedro ximenez barrels. I'm reading that this is a type of grape so this is therfore sherry cask aged,but to be honest, I wouldn't have know the difference. If it hadn't been explicitly stated, I would have thought this was bourbon barrel aged. Nonetheless, a great beer that perfectly demonstrates the balance between strength and sweetness.

Post author: Harala
@ De Bierliefhebber
1 year ago
Tara, Ireland
Tuoksussa kahvia, suklaata ja tynnyrin aromia. Sama toistuu maussa, tynnyröinti kuitenkin selkempää kuin tuoksussa. Suutuntumassa on hieman häiritsevää hapokkuutta, joka kyllä tasaantuu loppua kohden. Jälkimaku kääntyy lakritsaiseksi. Taustalla "tonkka" joulun perinnejuomaa Mika A:lta, joka valitettavasti on siirtynyt Ut:n piiriin.