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Pumpkin Lager 6.1%, Lakefront Brewery, United States
31 Bewertungen
Pumpkin Lager
6.1% Spiced Beer
In 1989, Lakefront Brewery owner, Russ Klisch was reading dusty brewing tome, tipping one of our fine lagers and came across a beer recipe that Thomas Jefferson had brewed with pumpkin at his home in Monticello. Lakefront Brewery’s Pumpkin Lager is one-of-the only pumpkin lagers available in the world; all other pumpkin beers are ales. Using real pumpkin and a proprietary blend of spices made here in Milwaukee for us by the acclaimed Spice House, our brewers lager this beer for 4 full weeks. This extra time gives Pumpkin Lager a deep, smooth richness that no ale can match. A frothy entry leads to an off-dry, medium-to-full body of intense cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and candied yam flavor on a nutty whole grain toast palate. Finishes with a drier spice and light toffee fade. Caramel and Munich malts reinforce this beer’s mouthfeel and lend to the malty sweetness. A nicely balanced spice beer for those cool fall nights.
IBU: 17


Post author: Petya V
Petya V
13 days ago

Post author: Peter Karlsson
Peter Karlsson
@ Systembolaget Eskilstuna
21 days ago
Pumpkin Lager, United States

Post author: Think
@ Systembolaget Karlaplan
25 days ago
Pumpkin Lager, United States
Vaahtoamaton, enemmän joululle kuin halloweenille maistuva. Johtunee kanelista. Tuoksu melko imelä ja maussa ensimmäisenä mieleen jää karhea jälkimaku. Hieman makea.

Post author: Joukku
@ Systembolaget Haparanda
26 days ago
Pumpkin Lager, United States
Tuoksussa kanelia rutkasti. Maussa on kanelia havaittavissa muttei niin vahvasti kuin tuoksussa oli. Pientä raikkauttakin on taustalta havaittavissa. Makeutta myös pienesti.

Post author: Alexander S
Alexander S
1 month ago

Post author: Boerjes Vodka
Boerjes Vodka
1 month ago
Pumpkin Lager, United States
It is what it is.

Post author: 7pete7
1 month ago

Post author: Johan B
Johan B
1 month ago
Pumpkin Lager, United States
Aroma: Smells like Swedish Christmas spices. Cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardemum, nutmeg, pumkin. Taste: Somewhat sweet, bready and malty. Some caramel. Mild spices. Cinnamon, cardemum, clove. Smooth! I actually found it quite tasty 😊

Post author: EddieU
@ Systembolaget Sundsvall
1 month ago
Pumpkin Lager, United States
helt okej

Post author: Mattias S
Mattias S
1 month ago