Captain Chimay
1 year ago
Cedric C
@ Brussels Beer Project Dansaert, Brussels1 year ago
🇨🇭🇨🇭 pas trop mon truc
@ Drinks of the World, Geneva2 years ago
Now something intriguing. I'm pretty convinced that this won't let me down.
Deep copper beer refuses to let too much light go through it. Lush carbonation throws out a silky, off-white head that crawls immediately two fingers high. Long retention stimulates the foamy float on the top.
The scent gives me good vibes: funky yeast meets quality coffee. Sounds bizarre but tangoes actually beautifully. A spoonful of fresh roasted coffee beans mingles with wheat malt. The direction is articulate.
The tastebuds enjoy sour flavors big time. Coffee is unmistakable, yet pleasantly gentle. I can also spot the flavor of raw or marginally roasted coffee beans but there's nothing like bitterness to be observed anywhere. Rather smooth actually. Even regardless of the lemony injection. Brettanomyces kicks in appealingly, bringing in funkiness and tartness. Wheat malt builds the foundation.
The body is, however, light. 6.8 % could merit more. The tail waves like a citrusy punch where coffee fades rapidly. In Vienna, the aftertaste sits in a late-night café, straight connection, T-E-E.
The mouthfeel is light, tart, faintly puckering, funky and still fairly subtle. Elegance is not particularly high on the agenda but still observable, at least to some extent. Dries my gums.