Softseats 6.8%, Hopfully Brewing, Ireland
2 ratings
6.8% India Pale Ale
Hops: El Dorado, Motueka, Simcoe
Malts: CaraPils, Oat, Wheat


Post author: Paul B
Paul B
2 years ago

Post author: Mark S
Mark S
2 years ago
Softseats, Ireland
Pour from the can was very smooth and left a body of juicy, Yellow haze with a finger of white head that retains very well. Scent is lots of pale malt with sweet oat and light fruits like melon and peach with a very mild citrus backbone. Mouthfeel is surprisingly light, little or no carbonation but moderate foaminess. Taste upfront is the pale malt, with a slight warmth from the 6.8%. The sweet creaminess from the oats comes in then makes way for the melon and peach, with a little lychee i think at the end. A nice twist on a classic.