Ivan - unusual beer brewed in a "Russian Imperial Stout" style. This is a very strong, heavy and dark top fermented beer which once was very popular in Russia. It was brewed by English brewers specifically for Tsar’s court during Ekaterina The Great reign. Hence the ’russian’ and ’imperial’ in the name of the style. This beer has a very high original gravity and very strong in alcohol. It is also hopped with a significant amount of hops and contains a decent amount of dark and special malts. Imperial stouts almost dissipated some time ago but during last few decades we see that it becomes more and more popular. Our version of imperial stout also contains a huge amount of dark and roasted malts plus we added a whisky malt (pitted malt from 6-row barley), pitted beer malt and special Belgian brown malt. It adds to the viscous thick taste and coffee aroma the flavours of boiler oil and creosote. Named after the greatest Russian ace of WWII. High alcohol content is masked by a complex aroma, but you should better be careful! This beer is perfectly suitable for long winter nights. It matches to chocolate desserts and BBQ meals.
@ Lenta Viipuri3 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
Teemu R
@ Ivan da Maria6 years ago
Harosaja Ruski stout. Kushna.
6 years ago
Vesa K
6 years ago
Sir L
6 years ago
Venäjän tuliaisia, kiitokset @Esa J!
Tuoksu on intensiivisen espressomainen, suklainen ja onpa taustalla myös selvästi sitrusta.
Täyteläinen suutuntuma. Ensipuraisu on tummaa ja paahteista kahvia. Kitkerää tummaa suklaata ja ruohoisuutta. Loppua kohden suuta kuivattavaa kahvia ja leipäisyyttä.
Ronskilla kädellä humaloitu IS. Välillä tuntui, että mentiin jo melkein black ipan puolelle, mutta onneksi kokonaisuus pysyi hyvin hanskassa. Onnistunut kuiva imperiaali.
Esa J
@ Alphabet of Taste6 years ago
0,33l bottle from tumbler.
Pitch black oily liquid. Thin brown foam.
Nose is dark chocolate with notes of smoke and peat.
Low carbonation. Thick smokey first sip. Wave of dark chocolate infused with espresso and roasted bread. Peat and even some woody notes. Intense hoppy bitterness in the end. A bit of pine and grass. Pretty dry overall taste.
Good one, but misses my sweet spot by being too dry.
Sorry for the glass, our hotel room had nothing else.
Feline B
6 years ago
7 years ago