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Big Penny Lager 4.5%, Big Penny Beer, United Kingdom
1 arviota
Big Penny Lager
4.5% Pale Lager
Truman’s RAW Lager is a crisp and smooth kolsch style lager served only from tank. This unfiltered lager has a more full bodied, silky smooth mouthfeel from its perfect carbonation with delicate flavours and aromas of light honeysuckle and biscuit balanced with the bitterness from the traditional Czech Hallertau Mittlefruh hops. The ‘RAW’ tank fresh condition of the lager ensures that no flavour or aroma has been stripped out by filters or external gases.
Humalat: Hallertauer Mittelfrüh


Post author: Juuso S
Juuso S
@ The Newman Arms
2 years ago