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Fractal Spectrum 4.7%, Garage Beer Co., Spain
6 notes
Fractal Spectrum
4.7% Premium Lager
Our first ever rice lager and we made this one hard for ourselves. Using 30% raw rice from Molí de Pals (Girona) we performed a cereal mash in our brew kettle to make the starch available for conversion to fermentable sugar in our main mash. This process is essentially making a porridge out of rice and some pils malt before adding it to the mash with the rest of the malt. And let me tell you, this is not simple on an English style infusion brewhouse. But the result is that it allowed us to make an incredibly dry, balanced and refreshing lager that can be drank all night long.


Post author: Deleted by user
Deleted by user
@ Crafters
2 years ago
Fractal Spectrum, Spain
Vasemmalta lähtien. Maukas lager.

Post author: Jouni M
Jouni M
@ Crafters
2 years ago

Post author: Elma S
Elma S
@ Sitko Pizza & Bar
2 years ago
Fractal Spectrum, Spain
• muuten hyvä, mutta häiritsevä rikkimäinen sivumaku/haju (kananmuna)

Post author: DigiKriSSt
@ Pien Shop & Bar
2 years ago
Fractal Spectrum, Spain
Sadantena arvioitavana oluena riisi lager. Hyvin vaalea ja aika kevyt. Puuttui monista lagereista löytyvä jonkinlainen terävyys mutta tässä tapauksessa ominaisuus mikä löytyi ei ollut niinkään pehmeys vaan vetisyys. Ihan ok lager ja hyvin pystyy näkemään että juuri jossain Espanjan helteissä, josta olut muutenkin tulee, tätä uppoaisi reippaasti. Toisaalta, kuka muutenkaan jaksaa jossain Espanjassa selvinpäin olla.

Post author: WheatLover
@ K-Citymarket Ruoholahti
2 years ago
Parhaita riisiin tehtyjä oluita mitä juonut. Mukavasti katkeroa ja makua.

Post author: DannyBoy
2 years ago
Nicely surprised with this one! Brewed in Barcelona, has a nice golden yellow look, not too foamy or gassy. The aroma is a bit sour, similar to a light white wine. I didn't expect a "lager" to taste this varient, with a great combination of sour notes followed by bitter hoppy aftertaste. Not the first rice beer I ever had but definitely the best so far! Very impressed! 👌