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Ice Cream Porter Hazelnut 7.0%, Konix Brewery, Russia
2 notes
Ice Cream Porter Hazelnut
7.0% Flavoured Porter / Pastry Porter


Post author: Maks Heineken
Maks Heineken
1 month ago

Post author: Александр
2 years ago
Ice Cream Porter Hazelnut, Russia
Манящий аромат мороженного с фундуком, очень сладко пахнет, даже вафельный стаканчик чувствуется... Лео Месси забил 1ый гол в ЧМ. Продолжаем..., а к чёрту, смотрим футбик, пиво так себе. The enticing aroma of ice cream with hazelnuts, smells very sweet, even a waffle cup is felt ... Leo Messi scored a goal. His first goal at the World Cup, sort of. We continue ... but to hell, we are watching a football, the beer is so-so.