2 years ago
@ Ori Panimo & Tislaamo2 years ago
Ori Panimon viimeisiä oluita viedään. Ensi perjantaina kyseinen panimokauppa viimeistä kertaa auki.
Todella mainio vehnä! Pienpanimo henki tuntuu myös maussa.
Jukka N
@ Ori Panimo & Tislaamo2 years ago
@ Ori Panimo & Tislaamo2 years ago
@ Ori Panimo & Tislaamo2 years ago
Clear gold beer with long-lasting carbonation builds a cloud-white, cotton head that grows almost two fingers tall. The lace ring and lacing are sustained for substantially long on the top.
The nose enjoys banana, cantaloupe, bitter orange peel and sweet wheat biscuit. A remote hint of vanilla pod as well as a suggestion whitepepper linger in the background.
The taste is simultaneously sweet fruity and bitter citrusy: banana loses its intensity on the tongue. Cantaloupe is totally absent. Grapefruit and lemon pith are new babes here. They show their bitter side. The cocktail is even a bit piney.
The body is light. Surprisingly thin for a Bock. The finish gives the same bitter citrusy and light-piney elements as before. The winners tell jokes, and the losers say deal, Lady Aftertaste rides a stallion tonight.
The mouthfeel is light, a bit tangy, medium-dry and drying. Easier than many Weizenbocks but also somewhat characterless.