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Grunnegs Gold 8.8%, Floembier, Netherlands
6 notes
Grunnegs Gold
8.8% Tripel


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Hoptimaal
10 days ago
Grunnegs Gold, Netherlands
Relatively pale yellow beer with a moderate hazy reflection fills the glass. Regular carbonation produces a fluffy head that develops two fingers thick. Soon a neat billowy lace ring wafts on the top. The familiar sweet-leaning malty punch hovers in the air. Biscuity for sure. As if also invert syrup but, at least according to the list of ingredients, it should be absent. I've had a number of Tripels lately, that's why the scent is pretty familiar and predictable to me. Furthermore, the fragrance gives fruity notes, especially those of mandarin, banana, orange peel and apricot. The taste follows along the same lines: sweetish malt, invert syrup, sugar, biscuit, mandarin, banana, apricot, mango. A hint of alcohol can also be observed. Not disturbing though, rather as if it's part of the story. The body is full. Or at least quite close to it. The beer ends with the same sweet flavors as how it starts. The malty sphere continues longer than the fruits. The mouthfeel is full, velvety, smooth, lip-glueing, medium-strong and modestly alcoholic. Fairly classical, true to the style. Works fine as such but I would love to try this with fried, low-fat fish, like perch or pike.

Post author: Tijs
3 months ago
Grunnegs Gold, Netherlands
Lekkere tripel

Post author: Alqimus
1 year ago

Post author: SushiV
2 years ago
Grunnegs Gold, Netherlands
Sehr schön kunstvoll gestaltete Dose. Leicht trübes gelb, kleine Blume mit kurzer Haltbarkeit. Schöne starke Rezenz mit vielen feinen Perlen. In der Nase ein wenig Hefe, Quitte, Pfirsich und künstliche Orange. ( Wie bei den Vitamin C Tabletten). Die 8,8% sind deutlich spürbar und kurz etwas sprittig. Im Abgang eine angenehme lang anhaltende bittere die an Orange erinnert.

Post author: TOtV
2 years ago
Très bien 👌

Post author: PILS98
2 years ago
Grunnegs Gold, Netherlands
Für mich ein gutes Tripel 🍺klare Empfehlung 👍