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Studio Oedipus No. 23 6.0%, Oedipus Brewing, Netherlands
2 notes
Studio Oedipus No. 23
6.0% Sour / Wild Ale
Bière de coupage is the method of blending old and new beer together. Young beer can give old beer new bounce or old beer can add extra complexity to a young brew. To explore this technique of time and taste we cut the same grisette three different ways. While two blends are still maturing, this beer is ready: a blend of two parts grisette to one part of a Berliner weisse aged in a red wine barrel.


Post author: GrosserKlaus
@ Cloos
2 months ago
Studio Oedipus No. 23, Netherlands

Post author: SOS Kavu
SOS Kavu
2 years ago