The Duck-Rabbit Amber Ale is a medium bodied beer with a lovely tawny copper / bronze color. The lightest of all our dark ales, this is a great introduction to full flavored beers. This brew emphasizes malt complexity with layered caramel malt flavors. We put a lot of effort into getting The Duck-Rabbit Amber Ale just right and we're extremely proud of the result.
Long A
1 year ago
3 years ago
Jani S
@ The Craft Beer Club4 years ago
Kira K
6 years ago
Mr X
7 years ago
FCO 8. Has a caramel malt taste. A little weak. Not a complex beer
Mr X
7 years ago
I know I've had before. Just lovin' da Eagles win. Grabbed from da fridge as there is a lot of different beers floating around. Has a caramel malt taste. A little sweet but I've had a few at this point One win away from getting to da Super Bowl. I no that maybe a stretch but I can't give up da dream.
Mr X
7 years ago
Giving this a go again. This seems a little better this time as I'm picking up more of a caramel malt taste.
Matt P
8 years ago
Mr X
8 years ago
Average amber ale at best. Weak taste to it. The black lager was way better