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In Touch 2021 5.5%, Pilton Cider, England
1 notes
In Touch 2021
5.5% Other Cider
Season 2021 Naturally sweet keeved cider in contact with Regent grape skins


Post author: AtomicDucks
2 years ago
In Touch 2021, England
750ml clear glass; pours a dark red almost glowing, clear, gentle carbonation; on the nose it’s wild and bretty whilst equally dripping with fresh sweet cherries and berries with ghosts of barnyard funk, but delicate and soft; in the mouth it’s gentle and sweet but equally dry and grippy, generous texture underlines the caramel and cooked apple notes, velvety dryness invite to a grippy astringent finish; lingering grape notes and vinous aftertaste; overall surprising and reliable, fresh and funky, calm and inviting - definitely my favourite out of the “In Touch“ series: on one hand almost too astringent, but in the other hand perfectly recalled and balanced with the residual sweetness - sweet - dry - sweet: highly recommended!