Bulgarian Brunch 6.0%, CoolHead Brew, Finland
48 ratings
Bulgarian Brunch
6.0% Sour IPA / Wild IPA
CoolHead x Sofia Electric Brewing Brunch Sour inspired by Bulgarian Yogurt Bowls. Brewed with toasted and caramelized oats, soured with a yogurt culture and topped up with raspberries, rose water, Madagascar vanilla beans and banana puree.


Post author: Petteri H
Petteri H
2 years ago
Hillityn hapan. Samean oranssin värinen. Vadelma ja hento vanilja löytyy ja juoma uppoaa vallan mukavasti

Post author: Uuri
@ Olutravintola Villi Wäinö
2 years ago

Post author: Zagari P
Zagari P
@ Bar Dom
2 years ago

Post author: Janetski
2 years ago
Todella herkullinen ja hapan sour!

Post author: Timo N
Timo N
2 years ago

Post author: HooDee
@ Coolhead Brew Taproom
2 years ago
Bulgarian Brunch, Finland
Maukas ja kivan hapan, hyvä sour.

Post author: Henri R
Henri R
2 years ago

Post author: Siel d
Siel d
2 years ago
Gebasseerd op yogurt cultuur en het lijkt dan ook bijna een romige nadronk te hebben bij een stevig zuurtje

Post author: Antza
@ Coolhead Brew Taproom
2 years ago
Bulgarian Brunch, Finland
Smoothiemaisen samea, oranssiin vivahtava olut. Happamassa tuoksussa vadelmaa ja banaania. Maku kirpeän hapan. Tiukkaa jogurttimaista happamuutta. Vadelmaa ja banaania mutta maut hukkuvat kireään happamuuteen. Syön rahkaa tai jogurttia päivittäin joten makumaailma ei ole vieras mutta tämä ei vaan toimi oluena.

Post author: WexiLahti
@ Coolhead Brew Taproom
2 years ago
Bulgarian Brunch, Finland
Foggy, watermelon-juice-colored beer with decent carbonation offers a small-bubbled head that fails to reach one finger and melts fast off. Lovely summery raspberry wins the first prize in the olfactory competition. Lactic acid is not particularly powerful but seasons the berry punch nicely. Less pronounced banana, vanilla and distant peach cross their path a bit later. Quite innovative! 💕 Raspberry reduces in intensity but still pleases my taste receptors. Lactic acid, in turn, increases its slam. Banana is undetectable unless you know that it's there. I would, instead, argue that there are peach and passionfruit. And vanilla. But I'm wrong of course. Lemon pulp is an easy ingredient unlike rose water that I fail to find anywhere in this beer. The light-bodied beer ends waves the same tail as before. Sour raspberry with lactic acid is the basic skeleton of the gustatory universe, both upfront and later. The aftertaste no see the weather, telling us to come together, skip breakfast, make us chop brunch together. The mouthfeel is medium-full as well as medium-thick. Interesting. Relatively tart with puckering characteristics, as well. Furthermore, the mouthfeel is a bit flat, gardeny and summery. Courageous but fails to put all the flavors to the tray.