Anne P
2 years ago
Anne P
2 years ago
Doesn't taste like typical kombucha but more like lemonade.
@ Kyläkauppa Veljekset Keskinen2 years ago
A non-alc Kombucha to accompany a meal. Immediately when I pour this in a glass, I get surprised big time: I expect something like purple but the drink is actually more or less colorless. Just a very faint creamy hue can be detected. It's still fully transparent. Carbonation is sparkling but basically no head emerges on the top.
The fragrance puts forward sweet fruit winegum. If I have to identify specific fruits or berries, I could mention strawberry and raspberry. Nevertheless, this is confusing since the scent is oversweet and artificial but the label says "no sugars", "no artificials". So I'm wondering...
Ok, the palate serves sweet fruit winegum, as well, with especially strawberry but also a bit of raspberry and blueberry. A whisper of green tea lingers in the background. The finish is fast. Overall, very sweet soft-drink-like stuff.
The mouthfeel is light, sappy, soft-drink-like, lip-glueing and synthetic. Despite what the label argues. Now, I have a problem with the rating: should I believe the label or my own senses? I decide that I go with my instinct and disregard the marketing people's buzzwords. This tastes artificial in my mind and it's not to my liking.
Greg Y @skollsbeer
@ Chez SkoLLS Beer2 years ago
C’est pas bon !