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Naked 12.3%, Varvar Brew, Ukraine
3 ratings
12.3% Imperial Stout


Post author: WexiLahti
@ Beerdome
3 years ago
Naked, Ukraine
Solidarity beer #10 🇺🇦 The beer displays a brilliant black appearance. Reasonable carbonation is astonishingly proactive as it bursts a deep tawny, dense head up to three fingers. The foamy stack descends gradually down to a beautiful thick lace ring that merges with a thinner haze on the top. The fragrance releases mild aromas only, a pinch of raw cacao and distant roasted coffee. The package is really restrained, can't appeal much as such. The gustatory profile beats the scent by 10–0. I'm getting hefty dark chocolate and powerful cacao nibs. Very much like chocolate ganache. Aniseed and sharp licorice match the chocolatey package intriguingly. Further down the road, vanilla steps forward and greets the rising alcohol. Oat biscuit supports the medley. I can also pick a bit of light-sour berry that has a coffeeish twist but not only that. Something else, maybe crowberry? The body is really full. Surprisingly so, even though this clocks 12.3 %. The beer moves slowly like gruel. The finish offers dark chocolate, cacao nibs, a smaller injection of licorice and a hint of velvety espresso. The sour berry note still lurks in the shadows. The aftertaste removes all the clothes and feels free and happy like the 5.5 million Finns will do next Friday. 🌿 The mouthfeel is full, soft, velvety and smooth. It's thick, deep, strong, moderately alcoholic and lip-glueing. Very desserty, though not exceptionally slow in my opinion. Massive flavors without adjuncts. Big hand for that!

Post author: HKIred
3 years ago

Post author: WheatLover
@ Beerdome
3 years ago
Naked, Ukraine
Kahvia ja suklaata. Vähän kun lämpenee tulee mieto sitrus, melkein mandariinia.