Skaddly Pluck 4.8%, Caffle Brewery, Wales
4 ratings
Skaddly Pluck
4.8% India Pale Ale
Welsh IPA.


Post author: Mark
3 years ago
Very nice, citrus with a nice hoppy aftertaste.

Post author: James A
James A
4 years ago
Skaddly Pluck, Wales
Attractive classic Amber IPA colour. Good hoppy flavour with just a little bit of late citrus flavour.

Post author: Frank B
Frank B
7 years ago
I got given this for looking after the neighbour's cat over the weekend, along with two other beers from this brewery 😁 Unfortunately, my wife has taken no care whatsoever in pouring it so there is some sediment in the glass 😐 it pours a hazy deep amber colour with a white head that disappears quickly. Aroma is somewhat spoilt by the sediment. Flavour is citrussy and hoppy, with a medicinal flavour from the sediment.

Post author: Sam Williams
Sam Williams
@ The Brewery Inn
8 years ago
Skaddly Pluck, Wales