Emeric C
1 month ago
@ Sila Süpermarket3 years ago
Hazy, sludgy, honey-brown beer with tame carbonation produces a light-gray head that reaches one finger and dies fast. Yet, a gossamer lace ring floats longer on the surface.
The scent gives something I surely don't anticipate: I pick raisin and dried plum. Sweet. Like Finnish vappu mead. 😦 I have to check the label for the best before — hell yeah, the beer was brewed in April 2020 and expired in April 2021. So, it's now more than 13 months overdue. Haha. I paid something like 80 cents for it, so no big deal. It's clear that I will leave this unrated.
I'm fighting to make the decision on whether to taste or not. I'd rather not get my stomach upset. After two seconds of careful consideration, I decide to taste! Oh my! This is strange! Too weird! Raisin, modest dried plum, even a bit of malt are recognizable. Interestingly enough, I don't find this overly yeasty.
The body is thin but it's not entirely absent. The finish I just skip. Whatever. The mouthfeel is equally impossible to evaluate: it feels light, lip-glueing and meady but such an assessment is likely misleading.
If the beer was supposed to be like this, I'd give it 0.5. Nevertheless, like I said, rating wouldn't do justice to this beer, therefore I leave it unrated.