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Mantle 7.0%, Uchu Brewing, Japan
1 ratings
7.0% India Pale Ale
五次元フルーツを探す若者に人気の「うちゅうDO」を極める猛者たちのための五次元DOJO。 身近な太陽系の惑星は銀河系でも有名な五次元DOJOのメッカだった! 地球の地下世界にあると言われている伝説のDOJOマントル。 マントルのDOJO師範であるマスターシャンバラ直伝のレシピで仕込んだモダンウェストコーストIPA! Five-dimensional DOJO for the fierce men who are extremely popular with young people looking for five-dimensional fruits. The familiar planet of the solar system was the mecca of the five-dimensional DOJO, which is also famous in the galaxy! The legendary DOJO mantle that is said to be in the underground world of the earth. Modern West Coast IPA prepared with the recipe directly from Master Shambhala, the DOJO master of the mantle!


Post author: Cyberp0lice
@ Yamato Craft Beer Table
3 years ago
Am extremely fruity and delicious IPA. Nice body with great hoppy tastes.