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99 Supplier Problems But The Hops Ain't One 5.7%, Totally Brewed Limited, England
2 ratings
99 Supplier Problems But The Hops Ain't One
5.7% Pale Ale - English
Cans, cardboard, fuel, drivers etc have all been a problem. But the lack of brewing during Covid means we have an abundance of hops to get through. So we’ve dry hopped this with a massive 18g per litre of Simcoe, Amarillo and Mosaic.


Post author: Jonny B
Jonny B
2 years ago

Post author: Dartford Dave
Dartford Dave
@ Beer Paradise (Beer Ritz)
3 years ago
99 Supplier Problems But The Hops Ain't One, England
Pours a golden colour with a thin white head. Hoppy and tasty. Decent beer.