Sir L
@ Piwne Mosty3 years ago
Tuoksussa greippiä, ruohoisuutta, greippiä ja appelsiininkuorta.
Melko täyteläinen suutuntuma. Kahvinen ensipuraisu. Greippiä ja havuja. Appelsiininkuorta ja häivähdys aprikoosia. Jykevää paahteisuutta ja ruohoisuutta lopussa.
Ehkä paras B(T)IPA mikä tullut vastaan. Oikein miellyttävä.
@ Piwne Mosty3 years ago
Triple Black IPA is not a very common beerstyle in my portfolio. It can be challenging, as well. I'm looking forward to this brew, at least the standard version "Blackcyl" was palatable a while ago.
Brilliant, almost black beer fills the glass. The color is like strong black coffee. Lively carbonation kicks out a dense moussy, cappuccino-colored head that reaches three fingers. Retention keeps the lacing alive for long. The contacting head paints the glass with regular webs of splatters.
Burned black malt and a small injection of raw cacao powder constitute the olfactory provision. Maybe I'm dreaming but as if I also picked a note of vanilla somewhere in the distance.
The flavor cocktail is appealing: I receive strong roasted black malt, fairly distinct raw chocolate, licorice root and — again — vanilla. Maybe also lactose. The hoppy side supports the experience beautifully, it's not tame but still knows its position in the background. Alcohol is absolutely nowhere. Very balanced and gulpable. Simple. Intriguing!
The body is medium-full. The finish offers especially roasted elements as well as raw licorice root and a reasonable hoppy slam. The aftertaste gets woven in a spider web for quite a long time.
The mouthfeel is roasty, a tad burned, strong, rather mellow and smooth. It's light-crisp and slightly piney but also simple, quaffable and balanced. The most astonishing characteristic is dessertiness. Successful. I could say that this is a Baltic Porter in a blind test. I'm just wondering whether this should actually push one more strongly against the wall; now this is even pretty easy...
@ Sale Perttilä3 years ago
Fressi black ipa. Yllättävän täykky ja vivahteinen. Juotava.
@ Alus Arsenals3 years ago
Black tipaa med Eetu 🍺
Paahteista humalakatkeroa tarjoillaan alkoholin kera, joka ei toki maistu.
Yhtä mustaa, kuin Jytkyn sielu tällä hetkellä.
Toimii molemmin päin 🍻
@ Piwne Mosty3 years ago