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Electric Avenue 6.0%, Lineman, Ireland
3 notes
Electric Avenue
6.0% English IPA


Post author: Mark S
Mark S
4 months ago
Electric Avenue, Ireland
A nice looking beer, dark yellow, with a haze so thick that it is almost orange and one finger of foam that had poor retention. Aromas are a peculiar mix, strong fermented pineapple, a mix of sweet and sour citrus and lots of sweet bready notes. Mouthfeel is warm and touching on heavy, with a mild foaminess and moderate carbonation. Taste is the same pineapple, and sweet mango. There is citrus but it is much more muted and the bready notes are replaced by an oaty creaminess. Another solid beer from Lineman.

Post author: Cristian P
Cristian P
3 years ago
Electric Avenue, Ireland