Thanks! 4.2%, The Porterhouse Brewing Company, Ireland
1 ratings
4.2% India Pale Ale
Aroma: orange and citrus. Tasting notes: orange, lime, pine and grapefruit finish. Hops: Cascade, Simcoe and Ekuanot Malts: Ale, Wheat Oats. Ingredients: Water, Barley Malt, Wheat Malt, Hops, Yeast. Molloys & Porterhouse Brew Co. have teamed up with artist Claire Prouvost to create a beer of thanks. Thanks To You! The Frontline Heroes, The Doctors, The Nurses, The Gardaí, The Paramedics, The Fire Brigade, The Teachers, The Students, The Parents, The Schools, The Shops, The Staff, The Pubs, The Hotels, The Restaurants, The Takeaways, The Delivery Drivers, The Chefs, The Cleaners, The Funeral Directors, The Churches, The Musicians, The DJ's, The Newlyweds, The Builders, The Farmers, The Hairdressers & Barbers, The Butchers & Bakers, The Every Day Worker & Those who sacrificed it all. Thanks for helping keep the show on the road. We raise a glass to you! Thanks!


Post author: DannyBoy
3 years ago
Thanks! Thanks to Portherhouse Brewing Company and Molloy's for the collaboration to create this tasty beautiful concoction! Nice bite with every sip, with a citrusy/light bitter aftertaste. Design of the can is very eye-catching, big fan of involving local artists it the can design stage 😊👌