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Devastate 17.0%, The Veil Brewing Co., United States
3 notes
17.0% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout


Post author: hwæt
3 years ago
Nyt mennään lujaa ja ilman jarruja.

Post author: VeliWestside
@ Beer Republic | Bangkok
3 years ago
Devastate, United States
The Veil is pretty much strange territory to me. First aged imperial stout from the brewery and it pours amazingly thick stuff. It is black with a brown swift head. How about the scent. Takes me to the kitchen making raw chocolate with my better half. Whole lot of chocolate, raw cacao powder and sugar. Vanilla and cinnamon. Brilliant. Rum is hiding somewhere. First sip and wow this is really sweet. And lots of going on here. Right away sticky lips.  No sign of the booze and this is 17%, ridiculous stuff. Mouthfeel is thick and smooth.  Now that is warmep up, the rum side steps up nicely. I'm getting almond here, quite a lot. Raw cacao powder, sugar and vanilla. Nuances of coffee, cinnamon and apple brandy. Rum is now more detectable. Chilis pop up right at the end when the beer has really warmed up. No way I could have had this on my own. Best to be shared. Well done beer, no doubt about it. Excellent to share and definitely advised to do so.