2 notes
Basic Biculous
11.8% Imperial Flavoured Stout / Imperial Pastry Stout
@ Ray's Cave3 years ago
Brought this back from Texas on my last trip from a brewery close to my daughter's house in Houston. They make great stouts. I had it last October at my sister's house in San Antonio and really loved it.
Can't really add much to my last review except to reinforce how powerful the flavor is. It's intense, burnt coffee with cinnamon and pumpkin spice. Finish that has a lasting bitter coffee. Probably an acquired taste, but I still like it.
@ Whiskey River Ranch3 years ago
At Whiskey River Ranch with family in Texas. Trying out a strong Texas Russian Imperial Stout.
Very thick and frothy head that's lasting, tanning color. Dark brown color. No mistake in the aroma, coffee and spice. Motor oil thickness of texture. Intense combination of flavors. Start s with a blast of sweetness quickly the latte coffee. Alcohol on top of all of it. Here comes the pumpkin and the spice with trailing bitterness in the finish. Long-lasting finish even throws in some bittersweet coffee latte that's close to dark chocolate. Each has its opportunity to dominate the flavor. Excellent stout.